Horses can present with a variety of problems which may benefit from physiotherapy. Problems range from lameness, to more subtle presentations which may be attributed to ‘schooling or behavioural issues’.
Some concerns which owners may note can include:
A detailed history will be taken from the owner initially, followed by a physical assessment.
Physical assessments may include:
Naomi is a mobile veterinary Physiotherapist, so she will visit your horse at your home or yard, allowing horses to be assessed and treated in the familiarity of their own environment.
All horses receiving physiotherapy treatment must be registered with a Veterinary practice, in accordance with the Veterinary Surgeons Act (1966). Naomi will contact your vet prior to assessment, to gain consent. The horse can however be referred for a ‘maintenance’ assessment and treatment without gaining prior veterinary consent, in accordance with the Royal Veterinary College (2020).